
Posts Tagged ‘senryu’

thoughts like insect bites

I have finally succumbed to the compulsion for thinking outloud in public and thus have started a wee blog.

I say wee as it is intended to be a small outcome for some of the short format poems that I seem compelled to write. These pieces are inspired by Haiku but to call them such would be presumptuous. 

I write sporadically but more when I travel, so I include the date and location for each poem. Often I try to follow some of the rules of Haiku, particularly those regarding season, nature and syllable count, as I find it challenging to work within the structure; while other times I am simply aiming for compression of word and expansion of soul within the poem. More recently I have learnt of  senryu (haiku style but more personally focused), and perhaps that is what many of them tend towards.
I hope you enjoy some of my humble attempts.

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